Oxyfluorfen EC24

Agriman’s Oxyfluorfen is a selective contact herbicide which mostly is absorbed through leaves.

It can control annual broad-leaved weeds and grasses in a variety of tropical and subtropical crops, by pre- or post-emergence application. Particular crops are tree fruit (including citrus), vines, nuts, cereals, maize, soya beans, peanuts, rice, cotton, bananas, peppermint, onions, garlic, ornamental trees and shrubs, and conifer seedbeds.



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Agriman’s Oxyfluorfen is a selective contact herbicide which mostly is absorbed through leaves.

It can control annual broad-leaved weeds and grasses in a variety of tropical and subtropical crops, by pre- or post-emergence application. Particular crops are tree fruit (including citrus), vines, nuts, cereals, maize, soya beans, peanuts, rice, cotton, bananas, peppermint, onions, garlic, ornamental trees and shrubs, and conifer seedbeds.

Read the label carefully before use.

Package Cap.: 1 lit


Target pest
Application rate
Broad-leaved and 
narrow-leaved weeds
2 L/ha
0.75 L/ha
One application at 2-5 leaf stage
two applications with 18 days interval

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