
Vitomex is a unique foliar fertilizer with high phosphorous contents of phosphite and potassium types and selective micronutrients with positive increasing effect on plant resistance against fungal and bacterial diseases.

Potassium phosphite (KH2PO3)
It has been a while that potassium phosphite (KH2PO3) has been addressed as plants resistance and health enhancer. Relevant research and experience demonstrates that it improves plant health and increases resistance against plant pathogens. Furthermore, potassium phosphite causes tolerance against several environmental tensions, including dryness tension. Various potassium phosphite-containing products are used as a fertilizer to compensate for lack of potassium and/or as fungicide products to manage plant diseases.

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Mass percentage
Volume percentage
Usable phosphorus
18% 24.5%
Soluble potassium
16% 21.5%
1% 1.35%
0.4% 0.5%
0.2% 0.25%
  • Role of potassium phosphite in improving agricultural products quantity and quality
  • Increasing number of flora and fruit set
  • Increasing number of leaves and photosynthesis of plants
  • Increasing weight and extent of root
  • Increasing weight and size of fruit
  • Product early ripening
  • Improving and increasing product storability
Consumption Description
Ml in 100 liters of water
Liters per hectare
800 4
After the fall of the petals
Beans, peas
500-800 2.5-4 In stage 3-4 leaves or in case of deficiency
Types of cabbage
800 4
Step 2-4 leaf
800 4
Starting from 7-10 days after planting
Onions, leeks
800 4
In stage 3-4 leaves or in case of deficiency
800 4
At the green bud stage or if necessary

Considering certain contents of some low-consumed elements including zinc, copper, and manganese, Omex’s vitomex increases plants resistance against fungal diseases, e.g. pseudoperonospora cubensis, phytophthora drechsleri, root rot, gummosis, and collar rot of fruit trees in addition to simultaneous supply of potassium and phosphorous needs for the plant. Vitomex increases flowering and fruits ripening.

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