Eretmocerus-eremicus parasitoid bee

Eretmocerus bees are small parasitoids parasite greenhouse and tobacco whitefly in greenhouse vegetables and ornamental plants in egg, second and third larvae ages, even under high temperatures. Each female bee parasites almost 150 whitefly larvae during her life.


Eretmocerus bees are small parasitoids parasite greenhouse and tobacco whitefly in greenhouse vegetables and ornamental plants in egg, second and third larvae ages, even under high temperatures. Each female bee parasites almost 150 whitefly larvae during her life.

Expected goal
Operating consumption 
(number / square meter)
Repeat interval
The number of 
1.5-3 7-14
Light treatment
3-6 7
At least 3 times

Release until the result is achieved
Heavy treatment
9 3
At least 3 times
Release until the result is achieved

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