Aphidius-colemani bee

Myzus persicae and aphis gossypii bee are used against a.colemani aphids. This bee embeds an egg into the body of young aphid using its ovipositor and the larva exiting the egg eats inside the aphid body and makes a brown mummy.


Myzus persicae and aphis gossypii bee are used against a.colemani aphids. This bee embeds an egg into the body of young aphid using its ovipositor and the larva exiting the egg eats inside the aphid body and makes a brown mummy.

Expected goal
Operating consumption 
(number / square meter)
Repeat interval
The number of 
0.15 7
Light treatment
0.5 7
At least 3 times
Heavy treatment
0.5 3
At least 3 times

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