Fully water soluble fluid emulsion fertiliser containing NPK, magnesium and chelated trace elements.
Agriman’s Abamectin is one of the leading and effective acaricide/insecticide worldwide on a wide variety of important crops. With its exceptionally low dosage rate, it has a very good fit in IPM/ICM programs, not affecting populations of beneficial insects when used as directed. It provides you long residual control of spider mites and leaf miners with superior performance giving better yield and quality.
Aphidolethes-system mosquito invades a wide range of aphids, and especially their colonies. These mosquitos are hunters in their larvae stage and eat aphid organs. Each adult spawns around 100 eggs and the larvae start eating upon exiting their eggs. Each larvae hunts around 100 aphids during its developmental stage.
BEKCHI 5 SG is a water-soluble granule formulation, broad-spectrum, non-systemic insecticide which penetrates leaf tissues by the translaminar movement for use against lepidopterans which are considered the most damaging insects in high-value edible crops.
It contains emamectin benzoate.OMEX Bio 20 is a highly concentrated emulsion containing macro and chelated micro elements. The organic material is seaweed derived.
To maximise the production of crops at risk of damage from stress conditions caused by high temperatures, soil conditions, moisture availability and disease.OMEX Bio 20 Gold is a highly concentrated emulsion containing macro and chelated micro elements. The organic material is seaweed derived.
To maximise the production of crops at risk of damage from stress conditions caused by high temperatures, soil conditions, moisture availability and disease.Bio-sequential-1 is an emulsified fertilizer containing main elements, magnesium and chelated micronutrients, enriched with seaweed.
Nitrogen and phosphorous are essential for growth, especially for the early developmental stages. Lack of phosphorous significantly affects plant root growth, freshness and yield